Walter Minja, B.S., M.S., Chairman

He is a co-founder of a non-profit organization, Potential Enhancement Foundation (PEF), and a professional information technology expert. He is also a graduate student studying Information System Management (MSIS) at The University of San Francisco. Walter received his bachelor’s degree in computer science from Mysore University in India. Upon graduation, he returned to his home country of Tanzania and started his professional career working with as a computer programmer.
After three years working as a programmer, Walter joined the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH). At COSTECH, working under the Department of Information Communication Technology (ICT), he enjoyed executing various ICT projects in research and development institutes. In 2005, he moved to the US to further his education and opportunities and joined Powering Potential, a non-profit organization based in New York, to focus on bringing affordable computer-based technology to rural schools in Tanzania. In 2016, Walter collaborated with colleagues to form their own non-profit organization, Potential Enhancement Foundation (PEF), and registered it in Tanzania.
Currently, Walter is a member of the Tanzania Community Organization (TCO) in the Bay Area and advocates for cancer awareness within his community through the Global Cancer Program (GCP) at the University of California-San Francisco. He also continues to serve in a consulting capacity as an advisor member for Powering Potential Inc. Walter resides in the Bay Area and works at an automotive and Energy Company based in Palo Alto, California.
In his free time, he enjoys watching basketball, volunteering, reading books, traveling and listening to music.