Robert Miller Dr. P.H, Board of Advisor

Dr. Miller is a Consultant in Public Health studied Cultural Anthropology as an undergrad at UC Berkeley and was most interested in Applied Anthropology. On the recommendation of his Applied Anthropology professor, George Foster, he applied and was admitted to study Public Health in a joint graduate program in Health Education and Public Health Administration.
Completing his MPH, he worked in a UC Research Program in East Pakistan and entered the doctoral program upon his return He completed his Dr.P.H. degree while working as the Training Advisor to the FP/MCH Program of Nepal Bob specialized in Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health and program evaluation. He worked in 32 countries, including 3.5 years residence in Kenya while working throughout Sub-Sahara Africa, including Tanzania.
Upon retirement, Bob has been serving as a volunteer Director of International Health, Education and Development Programs for the Dare Association in Cambridge, Mass, with a heavy focus on assisting orphans and vulnerable children in Vietnam. A friend and collaborator on Vietnam activities 9Katherine Burr) knew of his interests and experience and invited him to attend a meeting of the TM Board. Bob was greatly impressed by the complementary interests of the participants, which included health and IT.
Bob appreciates the goals of the TM group, the intense collaboration, complementarily of the Board and the commitment to strengthen the health services of a particular village in Tanzania.