Dr. Sabrina Aliyeva , Grants and Research.

Dr. Sabrina is from Azerbaijan. She received her BA from the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy with a major in geophysics. On completion of her BA she came straight to Stanford University for her PhD program. On completion of her PhD in 2018 she became employed as a software engineer.
Sabrina learned about Tujenge Maisha from her dear friend, Momo Singh, who had met Dorothy, Tujenge Maisha founder, at Alta Bates Hospital when she was giving birth to her first child in 2014. Momo heard and was very impressed with Dorothy’s story of her commitment to assist the mothers and babies of her home village in Tanzania. Sabrina was similarly impressed and wanted to help when she heard about Dorothy and Tujenge Maisha.
Sabrina sees her role as helping figure out what Tujenge Maisha should do to make progress. She felt that she could especially assist Tujenge Maisha to raise funds. To this end, she organized a silent auction in 2017, which raised approximately $1000, developed Tujenge Maisha brochures, and collected donations of art for sale.
Sabrina believes that Tujenge Maisha is making great progress and is moving day by day closer to its goal. This is satisfying for Sabrina because she is from a developing country and has seen health problems first hand. She feels that being in the US provides an excellent opportunity to do something good for the world and is ready to pitch in on any task.